
3. Calculate the conversion factor:
a. 1 gal/sec = 8 pints/sec
b. Volume Flow Conversion Factor = 1/8 = 0.1250
4. Set Volume Flow Conversion Factor to 0.1250.
5. Set Volume Flow Label to pints/sec.
6. Set Volume Total Label to pints.
4.2.3 Configure Volume Flow Cutoff
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Offline Maintain > Configuration > Low Flow Cutoff > Volume Flow Cutoff
ProLink II ProLink > Configuration > Flow > Vol Flow Cutoff
ProLink III Device Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow
Field Communicator Configure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Flow > Volume Flow Cutoff
Volume Flow Cutoff specifies the lowest volume flow rate that will be reported as measured.
All volume flow rates below this cutoff are reported as 0.
Set Volume Flow Cutoff to the value you want to use.
The default value for Volume Flow Cutoff is 0.0 l/sec (liters per second). The lower limit is 0.
The upper limit is the sensor’s flow calibration factor, in units of l/sec, multiplied by 0.2.
Interaction between Volume Flow Cutoff and AO Cutoff
Volume Flow Cutoff defines the lowest liquid volume flow value that the transmitter will
report as measured. AO Cutoff defines the lowest flow rate that will be reported via the mA
output. If mA Output Process Variable is set to Volume Flow Rate, the volume flow rate reported
via the mA output is controlled by the higher of the two cutoff values.
Volume Flow Cutoff affects both the volume flow values reported via the outputs and the
volume flow values used in other transmitter behavior (e.g., events defined on the volume
AO Cutoff affects only flow values reported via the mA output.
Example: Cutoff interaction with AO Cutoff lower than Volume Flow Cutoff
mA Output Process Variable: Volume Flow Rate
Frequency Output Process Variable: Volume Flow Rate
Configure process measurement
Configuration and Use Manual 31