• LO means a high limit alarm was triggered.
Limit Indicates the value that was set as the trigger for the alarm.
Value Indicates the current status value being output by the device.
Name Indicates the name of the variable that triggered the alarm.
Discrete alarms do not display Type, Limit, or Value data.
5.1.2 Acknowledge and clear alarms
There are three ways to acknowledge and clear alarms:
• To acknowledge and clear alarms without viewing them, select Logs/Reports →
Alarms → Clear/Ack All Active Alarms.
• Another method to acknowledge and clear alarms without viewing them is to click
from the Toolbar.
• To view the alarms before acknowledging and clearing them, select Logs/Reports →
Alarms → Unack/Active Alarms... . The Unack/Active Alarms window provides
several options:
- To acknowledge an alarm, select it and then click Ack Selected (F2).
An alarm will continue to display as an active alarm until that value is no longer in the
alarm state.
- To acknowledge all the alarms displayed on the window, click Ack All (F3).
- To acknowledge all the alarms displayed on the window and then remove them
from the table, click Clear/Ack All (F4).
If an alarm is cleared before the condition has been resolved, MON2020 redisplays the
alarm entry as an active alarm.
5.1.3 View the alarm log
The Alarm Log records every alarm triggered from the GC. The Alarm Log window gives you
the option of viewing the total list of alarms, or a date-filtered list.
To view the Alarm Log, select Logs/Reports → Alarms → Alarm Log.... The Alarm Log
window displays.
The Alarm Log window supplies the following data for each alarm:
Date Time Indicates the date and time at the GC when the alarm condition began.
Logs and reports