
Not Installed The analog output device is not installed.
Error The Heater/Solenoid board is installed but the GC cannot communicate
with it.
This window also displays other types of data, such as the following:
mA The amount of current being generated in milliamperes.
Cur Val The current scaled value of the analog output signal.
3.8.6 Calibrate an analog output
To automatically calibrate an analog output, do the following:
1. Select Analog Output… from the Hardware menu.
The Analog Outputs window displays.
2. Click on the analog output that you want to calibrate.
3. Click AutoCal…(F4) or press F4.
The Analog Output Calibration Wizard runs.
4. Select the check box for the unit of measure you want to use for the calibration and
then click Next.
Step 2 of the Analog Output Calibration Wizard displays.
5. Enter the Zero Scale Adjustment value and then click Next.
If the value entered is within tolerance, it is accepted and Step 3 of the Analog
Output Calibration Wizard displays. If the value is not within tolerance, an error icon
( ) appears beside the field. Tolerance is set to ±1 mA of the analog output’s
default zero adjustment setting, which is 4 mA. Enter a different value and try again.
6. Enter the Full Scale Adjustment value and then click Next.
If the value entered is within tolerance, it is accepted and Step 4 of the Analog
Output Calibration Wizard displays. If the value is not within tolerance, an error icon
) appears beside the field. Tolerance is set to ±1 mA of the analog output’s
default full adjustment setting, which is 20 mA. Enter a different value and try again.
7. Click Finish.
The calibration is complete.
3.9 The Hardware Inventory List
MON2020 can compile an inventory table of all hardware that is installed on the GC. To
view this table, select Installed Hardware… from the Hardware menu.