90003749(1) [NGA-e (Software CLD 2.3/MLT 3.1.X)] 04/98
NGA 2000
6 - 23
Main Menu — Technical level configuration
Service menus
Service history
Analyzer module history
In the menu "Analyzer module service history" you will find the manufacturing date and the
service date of the CLD analyzer module. In the line "Last service date" you can set up the
actual date of maintenance. You only have to press the ENTER key in the line "Add
service date!" and the actual date will appear in the line "Last service date".
Caution: Do not press the F3 key (NEW CONV) !
With the F3 key you will load the data of the Master-EPROM ! All stored data will be
deleted !
Set up parameters:
♦ Select the line "In service date", the line "List notes..." or the line "Add service date!"
with the ↑↑ -key or the ↓↓ -key.
♦ Press the ENTER key or the →→ -key to select the variable, to start the function or to
change to the submenu.
♦ Select any digit with the ←← -key or the →→ -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑↑ -key or the ↓↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the ENTER key or cancel and go back to the last value with
the F2 key.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
95.0 ppm
Analyzer module service history
Manufacturing date: 08.01.1998
Last zero calibration date: 02-27-98 13:50
Last span calibration date: 02-27-98 14:01
Total hours of operation: 229.3 hours
Converter installation date: 8/1/98
Converter hours of operation: 229.3 hours
List notes...
Add service date!
In service date: 08.01.1998
Last service date: 10-02-1998 17:32
6.2.4 Service Menus
Analyzer Module History