
90003749(1) [NGA-e (Software CLD 2.3/MLT 3.1.X)] 04/98
NGA 2000
5 - 25
Calibration failure alarm
Calibration failure error allowed
Calibration time out
Zero and span gas calibration of the ranges together or separately
Enabling/Disabling of the calibration adjustment limits
Set up of the zero gas concentration of each range
Set up of the NO and NO
span gas concentration of each range
You can also set up all these parameters in the menus "Calibration Gas List", "Calibration
Parameters", "Response time/delay parameters" and "Range Settings". You can find the
descriptions of these menus in the chapters 5.1.1 p. 5-4, 5.1.2 p. 5-9/10 and 5.1.5/6 p. 5-14
to 16.
With the F4 key (LAST) of the menu "Analyzer Parameter List" you can change to the
menu page "Calibration Gases", where you can set up the NO and NO
span gas
concentrations of each range. This menu page is the same page you will reach by
pressing the F3 key (NEXT) several times.