
Serial I/O: The Communications Processor Module
PmT1 and PmE1 User’s Manual 10002367-02
CPM Register Initialization Format
Some of the CPM registers must be initialized as described in Tabl e 5 -2 .
Table 5-2: CPM Initialization Values
RISC Controller
The RISC controller manages the serial interface to the CPM. It services all I/O requests,
allowing the CPU on the PmT1 and PmE1 module to dedicate compute time to other tasks.
The RISC controller implements user-chosen protocols, manages serial DMA transfers and
independent DMA transfers (optionally), and maintains 16 timers for use in application soft-
ware. See
Ta bl e 5 -3 for the RISC controller processing priority. It can communicate with the
external processor using the following methods:
Parameters exchanged through dual-port RAM
External processor executes special commands via the RISC controller
RISC controller generates interrupts through the interrupt controller
External processor reads the controller's status/event registers
Table 5-3: RISC Controller Processing Priority
Physical Address
(hex): Acronym:
Hex Format: Description:
Input/Output Port
FF00,0950 PADIR 000A Port A Data Direction register
FF00,0952 PAPAR 0000 Port A Pin Assignment register
FF00,0954 PAODR 0000 Port A Open Drain register
FF00,09F0 BRGC1 10144 BRG1 Configuration register
FF00,09F4 BRGC2 10144 BRG2 Configuration register
FF00,0AC2 PBODR 0010 Port B Open Drain register
FF00,0A82 SMCMR1 4823 SMC1 mode register
FF00,0A92 SMCMR2 4823 SMC2 mode register
FF00,0AE0 SIMODE 1000,0000 SI Mode register
FF00,0AEC SICR 0000,0000 SI Clock route
Priority: Function: Description:
Highest 1 Reset in RISC Processor Command register or System Reset
2SDMA Bus Error
3 Commands issued in the RISC Processor Command register