Monitor: NVRAM Commands
PmT1 and PmE1 User’s Manual 10002367-02
ClrMemOnBootFalse(False, True)
[SP, CR to continue] or [E, e to Edit]
3 Press E to edit the group.
4 Press <cr> until the BootDev field is displayed.
5 Type the new value ROM.
6 Press <cr> to display the LoadAddress field.
7 Type the address where execution begins.
8 Press <cr> to display the ROMBase field.
9 Type the ROM base address.
10 Press <cr> to display the ROMSize field.
11 Type the ROM size.
12 Press <ESC> or Q to quit the display.
13 Typ e nvupdate to save the new values.
Example: In this example, nvdisplay and nvupdate are used to change the default boot device from
the bus to the serial port. The changes are made to the BootParams group.
1 At the monitor prompt, type:
2 Press <cr> until the BootParams group is displayed.
3 Press E to edit the group.
4 Press <cr> until the BootDev field is displayed.
5 Type the new value Serial.
6 Press <cr> until the DevType field is displayed.
7 Type the new value for DevType; for example, 2 selects downloads in Emerson binary
8 Edit any other fields you want to modify. Whether you use the DevType and DevNumber
fields depends on the application.
9 Press <ESC> or Q to quit the display.
10 Typ e nvupdate to save the new values.