
Euphonix SH612 Studio Hub User Guide Front and Rear Panel Interface
Press the Select key to:
enter the menu system from the status display;
display a submenu or parameter from a list;
display parameter values;
select the highlighted parameter value.
The menu display automatically reverts to the status display 15 seconds after the last
menu action.
The SpinKnob performs almost identical functions to the arrow keys, except when the
display includes multiple fields that can be adjusted, in which case the arrow keys po-
sition the cursor and the SpinKnob sets values.
The SpinKnob:
scrolls through the display fields, menus, submenus, parameters, and values;
adjusts parameter values.
Rotate the SpinKnob clockwise to:
increase the numeric value;
move down through a list of menus, parameters, or values;
move the cursor to the right across the display.
Rotate the SpinKnob counterclockwise to perform the inverse function of those listed
2.1.3 Sample Rate Controls/Indicators
The front panel has two keys dedicated to the Sample Rate Source and Sample Rate
settings, and 14 LEDs that display their status. Since these controls and indicators are
so frequently used, they have been included on the front panel for convenience without
requiring access to the Menu tree (although they are available in the menus).
Sample Rate Source Key
Press the Sample Rate Source key to display the Sample Rate Source menu. Use the
SpinKnob or arrow keys to highlight the appropriate Sample Rate Source value. Press
Select to activate the displayed value and revert to Status Display mode. The LED
corresponding to the selection illuminates.