Euphonix SH612 Studio Hub User Guide Integration With Jupiter VM3000 Routers
3. When finished, click Apply and then Close.
4.2.2 Switcher Description
1. If switchers have already been added, right-click and select Add rows to bot-
The Add rows to bottom dialog appears.
2. Enter the number of levels to add for the SH612 in the Rows to Add field.
This is typically 4-6 but depends on your sources. Add the maximum number
that any one source or destination requires.
3. Click OK.
The empty rows appear at the bottom.
Figure 4-2 Jupiter Switcher Description dialog
4. Enter a Switcher name in each new row.
We suggest SH612 or something similar to remind you what those levels refer
to. You must put in the same switcher name or the switching will not work
5. Enter names for the new Level fields.
6. For the two audio levels, enter 768 in the #In and #Out fields.
NOTE: The SH612 reserves bandwidth on the MADI bus to enable Varispeed operation, and
thus carries 56 connections per MADI port instead of the 64 allowed in the MADI
specification. The SH612 has 12 MADI ports so there are 56 * 12 = 672 ins/outs avail-
able. Since the Jupiter assumes 64 per port, this discrepancy must be taken into ac-
count when setting up switcher inputs/outputs. See next section.
7. Enter PLvl values for each logical level.
Choose three unused Plvl numbers; the exact numbers do not matter.
8. In the Driver field for each level, select ES-Bus from the drop-down menu.
This example created a switcher named Euph-SH with six levels for 5.1 sourc-
es, although each input and output device does not require all the levels created.