
V7.1 1/08
4. Diagram I-2 is another example of setting the cursor range; it has been set to 100
5. Diagram J-1 shows that cursor 1 is used for the temperature readings and the lower
region shows the Relative Humidity records. In Diagram J-2 the divisions are set to 130.
6. Diagram I is a Temperature example using Diagrams I-1 and I-2 as data sources.
Diagram J is a Temperature and Humidity example using Diagrams J-1 and J-2 as data
7. The right side of Diagram I indicates Maximum, Minimum, Mean and Standard Deviation
(Std. Dev) values for Whole Range (upper part) and Cursor Range (lower part).
Maximum: The highest reading in Whole Range or Cursor Range.
Minimum: The lowest reading.
Mean: The Average reading.
Std. Dev.: A calculation of the deviation between each reading and the Mean value (See
Diagram I-1 ).
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