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32. (00100000) Phase 1 - Pump Circuit Error
The Display Module has detected that the pump is on when it is off.
Primary Source - Display Module
1. Check for moisture in the console area.
2. Replace the Display Module.
33. (00100001) Phase 1 - Water Valve Fault
The Module has detected a water valve fault.
Primary Source - Water Valve connection
Action - Check that both valves are connected up properly.
Secondary Source - Water Valve coil faulty
1. Check the valve coils are not open circuit.
2. Replace Display Module if valve coils are not faulty.
34. (00100010) Phase 1 - Brake Resistor Fault
The circuit that controls the braking of the motor is faulty.
Primary Source - Motor Controller
Action - Replace the Motor Controller
Secondary Source - Display Module
Action - Replace the Display Module.
If the Display Module corrects the fault, then re-fit the original Motor Controller.
35. (00100011) Phase 1 - MC Reset Error
The Display Module has sent a false signal to the Motor Controller.
Primary Source - 12 way Harness Connection.
Action - Check the 12 way harness connection between the Display Module and the Motor
Secondary Source - Display Module
Action - Replace the Display Module.