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136. (10001000) Phase 1 to 5 - Motor Stall
The Motor Controller has been unable to start the motor rotating and signals the Display
module with motor stall error. Possible causes of this fault are: Faulty motor harness, faulty
or jammed motor, seized bearings or seals, faulty Motor Controller, faulty Rotor Position
Sensor or harness.
Primary Source - Wiring
Action - Measure/check the motor harness, connectors and motor for discontinuity. Take a
resistance measurement between phases of the motor harness at the Motor Controller. Check
that the three stator wires are connected correctly.
Secondary Source - Motor
1. Check free rotation of the agitator and bowl by rotating by hand. Bearings and seals may be
2. Check the stator resistances. Check that the star point is located correctly.
3. Check the Rotor Position Sensor and associated harness for water, mechanical damage and
Tertiary Source - Motor Controller
Action - If the primary and secondary checks pass inspection then replace the Motor Controller.
144. (10010000) Phase 1 - Motor Controller Software Trap
The Motor Controller has developed a fault.
Primary Source - Motor Controller
1. Power off for 5 seconds & try again
2. Check connections between the Display Module & the Motor Controller
3. Replace Motor Controller