
To change the set-point memory press “UP” or “DOWN”.
3. -10.0
New set-point memory 3, –10.0°C
Press “SET” to accept the new selection and access the set-point value.
Accept selected set-point memory
8.3.2 Set-point Value
The set-point value may be adjusted after selecting the set-point memory and
pressing “SET”. The set-point value is displayed with the units, C or F, at the
C -10.00
Set-point 3 value in °C
If the set-point value need not be changed then press “EXIT” to resume dis
playing the well temperature. Press “UP” or “DOWN” to adjust the set-point
C -12.00
New set-point value
When the desired set-point value is reached press “SET” to accept the new
value and access the temperature scale units selection. If “EXIT” is pressed in-
stead then any changes made to the set-point will be ignored.
Accept new set-point value
8.3.3 Temperature Scale Units
The temperature scale units of the controller maybe set by the user to degrees
Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F). The units are used in displaying the well tem
perature, set-point, and proportional band.
Press “SET” after adjusting the set-point value to change display units.
Un= C Scale units currently selected
Press “UP” or “DOWN” to change the units.
Un= F New units selected
8.4 Scan
The scan rate can be set and enabled so that when the set-point is changed the
dry-well will heat or cool at a specified rate (degrees per minute) until it
26 Hart Scientific
8 Controller Operation