Serial linefeed parameter
Press “SET” to access the linefeed parameter.
LF= On
Current linefeed setting
The mode may be changed using “UP” or “DOWN” and pressing “SET”.
New linefeed setting
8.11.4 IEEE-488 Parameters
The calibrator may optionally be fitted with an IEEE-488 GPIB interface. In
this case the user may set the interface address within the IEEE-488 parameter
menu. This menu does not appear on instruments not fitted with the interface.
The menu is indicated by,
IEEE-488 parameters menu
Press “SET” to enter the menu. IEEE-488 Address
The IEEE-488 interface must be configured to use the same address as the ex-
ternal communicating device. The address is indicated by,
IEEE-488 interface address
Press “SET” to access the address setting.
Add= 22
Current IEEE-488 interface address
Adjust the value with “UP” or “DOWN” and then use “SET” to set the address
to the displayed value.
Add= 15
New IEEE-488 interface address Termination
The next paramater in the menu is the transmission termination character selec
tion. The parameter is indicated on the display by “EOS”. It can be set to car
riage return only (Cr), linefeed only (LF), or carriage return and linefeed.
Regardless of the option selected the instrument interprets either a carriage re
turn or linefeed as a command termination during reception.
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8 Controller Operation