Automated Test Sequences 63
4.3 ANSI S3.22-1987
The ANSI S3.22-1987 standard is an older version of the ANSI S3.22-1996 standard, discussed
in Section 4.2. It is still used, however, in the labeling of hearing aids designed before March 17,
In ANSI 87, AGC aids are set at full-on gain for all measurements instead of being reduced to refer
ence test gain, as they are in ANSI 96, and input/output measurements are only taken at 2000 Hz,
as opposed to the five different frequencies offered with ANSI 96.
4.3.1 Setting up for the test
Follow the instructions found in Section 4.2.1 for instructions on setting up the aid for testing.
To enter the ANSI 87 screen:
1. From the Main Coupler Screen, look at the FP40’s display above the F4 function key. If it says
“AN87” (or ANSI for units with older software versions), skip to step 6.
2. Press F1 – Menu.
3. Use the AMPLITUDE and FREQUENCY knobs to select MAIN F4 under FUNCTION KEY
4. Press START/STOP to choose AN87 (or ANSI for units with older software versions). This will
let you use the F4 function key to enter the ANSI 87 screen from the Main Coupler Screen.
5. Press F1 to return to the Main Coupler Screen.
6. Press F4 to enter the ANSI 87 screen.
To change the ANSI 87
1. Press F2 to choose the type of aid you are testing. The selections are AGC 50, LINEAR 50,
• Choose LINEAR 60 for most linear aids.
• Choose LINEAR 50 for high-gain aids.
• Choose AGC for AGC aids.
Note: If you are testing a digital aid, you should usually select AGC for this setting. However,
ask the hearing aid manufacturer for guidance.
2. Press F3 to select the last frequency of the three frequency average used in the test sequence.
See Section 2.4.1 for details.
3. Press F5 to turn the telecoil test off and on. The telecoil test requires the external telecoil
4. Press F6 to select the noise reduction used in the measurements.