
Chapter 8 Commands
8.2 Update Volume Measurement Command (stxvtestcopy)
ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider 2.1 User’s Guide
Copyright 2012 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-4582-03ENZ0
Description of operand
*1: Obtain the physical disk number according to the following procedure.
1. Start "Computer Management".
Click the [Start] – [Control Panel], then double-click [Administrative Tools], then [Computer
Management] to start.
2. Obtain the physical disk number of the target disk.
Click [Computer Management (local)] – [Storage] – [Disk Management].
The disk number of the target volume is the physical disk number.
*2: Specify the mount point using its complete path or drive letter.
Execution example
Displayed contents
Operand Description
source-disk Specifies the physical disk number of the target source disk. (*1)
mount-point Specifies the mount point of the target source disk. (*2)
C:\>"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider\bin\stxvtestcopy"
start -p 1
stxvtestcopy successfully completed.
C:\>"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider\bin\stxvtestcopy"
status -p 1
source-disk update
1 2
stxvtestcopy successfully completed.
C:\>"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider\bin\stxvtestcopy"
stop -p 1
stxvtestcopy successfully completed.
Title Description
source-disk The physical disk number of the source disk is displayed.
update The updated data amount after starting measurement is displayed in MB.
Data backup is not performed while the amount of updates is being measured.