Chapter 9 Messages
9.1 Event Log Messages
ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider 2.1 User’s Guide
Copyright 2012 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-4582-03ENZ0
■ Event ID: 1005
Messages:STXV1005 ERROR Receive process of the select function failed. iReturn = [return
code of the select function], errno = [error number of the select function]
Receive process of the select function failed. The process is canceled.
Check the communication environment between the production server and backup server.
If there is no problem in the communication environment, refer to "10.2
How to Obtain Error
Information" (page 131), and prepare the required information before contacting a Fujitsu field
engineer (FE).
■ Event ID: 1006
Messages:STXV1006 ERROR Receive process of the accept function failed. iReturn = [return
code of the accept function], errno = [error number of the accept function]
Receive process of the accept function failed. The process is canceled.
Check the communication environment between the production server and backup server.
If there is no problem in the communication environment, refer to "10.2
How to Obtain Error
Information" (page 131), and prepare the required information before contacting a Fujitsu field
engineer (FE).
■ Event ID: 1007
Messages:STXV1007 ERROR An error was detected in receive process of the select function.
An error was detected in receive process of the select function. The process is canceled.
Check the communication environment between the production server and backup server.
If there is no problem in the communication environment, refer to "10.2
How to Obtain Error
Information" (page 131), and prepare the required information before contacting a Fujitsu field
engineer (FE).
■ Event ID: 1008
Messages:STXV1008 ERROR A user who does not belong to the Administrators group tried to
start VSS Hardware Provider Communication Server service.
A user who does not belong to the Administrators group tried to start ETERNUS VSS Hardware
Provider Communication Server service. The process is canceled.
Start the ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider Communication Server service by the user who
belongs to the Administrators group.