52 Chapter 5. Adapter Class Reference
Data types
The Java data types are mapped to the COBOL data types as shown below:
Java data
COBOL data type
boolean PIC 1
byte PIC X
PIC X(2)
• When an ANK character is stored, the first byte is used and the second
byte is X'00'.
• When a Japanese character is stored, two bytes are used.
• Data is mapped when code option -cs (native code) or no code option is
• When an ANK character is stored, the first byte is used and the second
byte is X'00'.
• When a Japanese character is stored, two bytes are used.
• Data is mapped when code option -cu (Unicode) is specified.
short PIC S9(4) COMP-5
int PIC S9(9) COMP-5
long PIC S9(18) COMP-5
float COMP-1
double COMP-2
Array Object reference array adapter class
Object Object reference adapter class
Class and interface
Public classes and interface are mapped to COBOL classes. The inheritance
relationships of adapter classes are the same as those of the corresponding Java
classes. Note that the following Java class inherits no other classes or interfaces but
the adapter classes generated inherit JF-JAVA-BASE.
• java.lang.Object class
Similarly, the following interface inherits no other classes or interfaces but the
adapter classes generated inherit java.lang.Object.
• Interface that inherits no other interface