Chapter 5. Adapter Class Reference 69
SET-ARRAY-ELEMENT method (object method)
This method sets an element of an array object.
inx elemValue
Parameter and return value
• anObject
Specifies the array object in which an element is to be set.
• inx (attribute: PIC S9(9) COMP-5)
Specifies the subscript of the element to be set. The subscript begins from 0.
• elemValue (attribute: Array element type)
Specifies the value to be set in the array element.
Numbering Names
The J adapter class generator generates adapter class names from the names used
for Java classes or interfaces. However, some names cannot be used in both Java
and COBOL because different syntax rules are used. For instance, Java permits
multiple methods with the same name to be defined within the same class if they
have different parameters, while COBOL does not permit such definition. In this
case, methods with the same name in Java must be generated so that they
correspond to different names in COBOL. The J adapter class generator generates a
unique name from each corresponding Java name by adding a hyphen "-" followed
by a number.
This section explains the rules of assigning numbers to names used for adapter
Effective range of name
The names handled by the J adapter class generator are classified into the following
three types depending on the effective range of a name:
• Name that is always unique according to generation rules
- Class name
- Array class name
• Name that needs to be unique between super classes/subclasses
- Factory method name corresponding to constructor
• Name that needs to be unique within an entire run unit
- Method name (class/instance)
- Field (variable) name (class/instance)