1-2 SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Site Planning Guide • September 2007
Physical specifications Has the server installation location been decided?
Does the installation floor layout satisfy the ventilation and maintenance
access requirements?
See Section 1.2.2, “System Installation (Space)” on page 1-12
Does the device layout guarantee that heated air vented from one
component does not enter an air intake of another component?
See Section 1.2.2, “System Installation (Space)” on page 1-12
Planning your access
Does the access route provide sufficient space for transport of the packed
devices? Have you confirmed that all route incline angles are within the
permitted range?
See Section 1.2.3, “Planning Your Access Route” on page 1-30
If a pallet jack is to be used, have you confirmed that the device weight is
within the load limit of the pallet jack?
See Section 1.2.3, “Planning Your Access Route” on page 1-30
If an elevator is to be used, have you confirmed that the elevator car is
wide enough for the device to be carried into it and that the device
weight is within the load limit of the elevator?
See Section 1.2.3, “Planning Your Access Route” on page 1-30
Stabilizing the cabinet Have cabinet stabilization measures been considered?
See Section 1.2.4, “Cabinet Stabilization Measures” on page 1-31
Network specification Do you clearly understand what data connections and feeds are required
for system startup and network connections?
See Section 1.2.5, “Planning Your Network Connection” on page 1-33
Environmental Does the computer room air handling meet temperature and humidity
See Section 2.1, “Environmental Requirements” on page 2-1
Can the computer room continuously satisfy environmental
Is the computer room adequately equipped to extinguish a fire?
Is the computer room secured?
TABLE 1-1 Checklist (2 of 3)
Requirements Item Check