2-2 SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Site Planning Guide • September 2007
2.1.2 Recommended Ambient Temperature and
Keep the temperature in the computer room at a comfortable temperature for people
or slightly lower. At this temperature level, inadequate cooling of parts of the
computer room due to the heat generated by a device or to trapped hot air can be
prevented, reducing related adverse effects on each device in the entire system
Also, if an air conditioning failure occurs, there is sufficient time available before the
temperature reaches the upper limit.
Special consideration must be paid to humidity if underfloor ventilation is used.
Normally, air contains water vapor. Relative humidity, which is indicated as a
percentage (%) of the total amount of water vapor that can exist in the air without
condensing, is inversely proportional to air temperature; it goes down when the
temperature rises, and goes up when the temperature drops.
For example, air with a relative humidity of 45% at a temperature of 24˚C (75˚F) has
a relative humidity of 65% at a temperature of 18˚C (64˚F); and if the temperature
drops farther, the relative humidity rises to more than 65%, eventually to condense
out as water droplets.
TABLE 2-1 Specifications (Ambient Environmental Requirements)
System name
Temperature [˚ C (˚F)]
1 Noncondensing.
Humidity [%RH]
Operating Non-operating Operating Non-operating
5 to 32 (41 to 89.6) at an installation altitude
ranging from 0 to less than 1,500 m (4921 feet)
above sea level
5 to 30 (41 to 86) at an installation altitude
ranging from 1500 m (4921 feet) to less than 2000
m (6562 feet) above sea level
5 to 28 (41 to 82.4) at an installation altitude
ranging from 2000 m (6562 feet) to less than 2500
m (8202 feet) above sea level
5 to 26 (41 to 78.8) at an installation altitude
ranging from 2500 m (8202 feet) to 3000 m (9843
feet) above sea level
0 to 50
(32 to 122)
20 to 80 8 to 80