Serial data channels in general
An example of serial channel (here channel 1)
RX1+ input terminals for electrical standards IEC 61162-1, and RS-422
RX1- RX+ = A and RX- = B as defined in IEC 61162-1
TX1+ output terminals for electrical standards IEC 61162-1 and RS-422
TX1- TX+ = A and TX- = B as defined in IEC 61162-1
TX1 output terminals for electrical standard RS-232C
GND ground terminal for RS-232C
Serial data channel assignment
First LAN adapter
Channel Type bit/s Standard Option
1 rx/tx 4800
2 rx 4800 Pos1
3 rx/tx 4800 Wind
4 rx/tx 4800 B-Adapter
5 rx/tx 38400 AIS
6 rx 4800 Pos2
7 rx 4800 Echo Sounder
8 rx 4800 Log/Dual-axis log
Relay1 Relay NC Operator fitness
Relay2 Relay NC Any RADAR alarm
Relay3 Relay NC
Second LAN adapter
Channel Type bit/s Standard Option
9 rx/tx 4800 Route Backup
10 rx 4800
11 rx/tx 4800
12 rx/tx 4800 Speedpilot
13 rx/tx 38400 B-Adapter
14 rx 4800
15 rx 4800
16 rx 4800
Relay4 Relay NC Waypoint approach
Relay5 Relay NC Outside channel limit
Relay6 Relay NC Depth below limit