Wind sensor
Here is an example of a wind
sensor which is connected to
LAN Adapter channel 15.
Wind modes are defined as :The wind as measured by a wind meter is known as apparent
wind. If indicated wind includes speed compensation it is known as relative wind. If
indicated wind includes both speed and heading compensation it is known as true wind.
• APPARENT Wind as measured by wind meter.
• RELATIVE Wind includes speed compensation.
• TRUE (=Theoretical) Wind includes both speed and heading compensations.
• TRUE (=North) Wind includes both speed compensation and North stabilization.
• Talker identifier is ignored.
• THIES in the Device Interface is a special case.
• Calculation of true from relative can only be used if wind sensor sends TRUE wind
according to definition above.
• Source of True Wind to define what kind of wind is transmitted by weather station:
“Receive (T)heoretical Wind (HDG) and Calculate True wind” is default.
• Style of Display to define what kind of wind is displayed on ECDIS, True wind or Relative
• Style of output to Radar to define what kind of wind is transmitted to radar.