1.7.2 Target list (displaying target data)
1. At the plotter display, press the DISP key to show the TARGET LIST, which
lists all AIS targets and AIS-SARTs being detected by the FA-150.
Note 1: The dangerous target list appears when there are dangerous
targets. You can switch to the target list by pressing ◄.
Note 2: If there is no data for the target selected, the message NO SEL
appears. Hit any key to escape.
Note 3: Targets are automatically sorted in range order (closest to furthest)
when no key is operated for 30 seconds. Target order is then updated every
five seconds.
Note 4: When AUTO SORT on the USER SETTINGS menu is OFF, the
range and bearing to a target are updated. However, target order is not
updated. To do this, press ◄, and targets are sorted in range order. “NOW
SORTING” is shown while sorting.
Note 5: To select a target on the plotter display, press ◄ or ► to select the
target then press the ENT key. Press ► to select from nearest to furthest;
◄ to select from furthest to nearest. The display then looks something like
the one shown at the top of the next page. If you wish to see other target
data, go to step 3 below.
Note 6: The information source is specified from obtained MMSI and ship's
name of an AIS target.
2. Use ▼ or ▲ to select the target whose data you wish to view then press
the ENT key. The display then looks something like one of the displays
shown on the next several pages, according to type of target.
3. Use ▼ or ▲ to scroll the display to see other data.