This section provides the operating procedures for the Inland AIS feature,
which allows use of the AIS transponder on inland waterways or the open sea.
Only those procedures that are different from the Class A AIS transponder are
Ships with Inland AIS transponders on board autonomously determine their
actual position using the Global Positioning System (GPS), which is part of the
AIS transponder. Furthermore they broadcast their ID and position to other
ships over a distance of 10 to 30 kilometers (depending on the geographical
environment). Other ships in the area receive this information and are able to
display their own position and that of other ships. Inland AIS helps the skipper
in his direct nautical decisions, especially in critical situations, like the approach
of a bend or a constriction.
Further, authorities have the possibility to allow electronic submission of cargo
lists e.g. for transports of dangerous cargo. The standard for “Electronic
Reporting” (ERI) allows the digital, language independent submission of cargo
or passenger reports from ships or agencies to authorities. In combination with
electronic data exchange between the authorities of different countries this
results in less reporting for the skippers. On the other hand all cargo
information is available to authorities in case of an accident.
2.1 Activating the Inland AIS
Enter your key number (received from dealer) to activate the Inland AIS. (If the
key was entered during the installation, entry is not necessary.)
1. Press the MENU key to open the menu.
2. Select DIAGNOSTICS then press the ENT key.
3. Select ACTIVATE KEY then press the ENT key.
- - -
4. Press the ENT key, enter your activation key then press the ENT key.
5. Press the MENU key to quit.
If you entered the activation key correctly, the indication "ACTIVATED!"
appears then the system is automatically restarted. Start up with the SOLAS
mode active.