• On the IMO type with AIS in use, LOG(WT), MANUAL and REF are shown in
gray to indicate they are not available for selection.
• A single-axis water log cannot measure speed when the wind is coming from
the leeway direction.
• If speed over the ground cannot be obtained in a deep area, select LOG(WT),
turn on SET DRIFT and enter set and drift values. See section 3.12 for the
1.13.2 Manual speed input
If the speed log is not working, enter speed manually as below. In this case the
speed data type is shown as MANUAL and is speed thru water (STW). Manual
speed input is not available on the IMO radar when the AIS feature is active.
1. Right-click the SPD box at the top right corner of the screen to display the
SPEED menu.
2. Select 1 SHIP SPEED.
3. Select MANUAL then push the left button.
4. Select 2 MANUAL SPEED.
5. Roll the scrollwheel to set speed. (For entry through the keyboard, use the
numeric keys.)
6. Push the left button to confirm setting.
7. Push the right button to close the menu.
1.14 Choosing a Range Scale
The selected range scale, range ring interval and pulselength are shown at the
upper left corner on the screen. When a target of interest comes closer, reduce
the range scale so that it appears in 50-90% of the display radius.
By keyboard
Use the [RANGE] key to select range desired. Hit the "+" part of the key to raise
the range; the "-" part to lower the range.
By trackball
1. Use the trackball to select the RANGE box at the top left corner of the screen.
The guidance box shows "RANGE DOWN / RANGE UP."
2. Push the left button to lower the range; the right button to raise the range.
You may also select the range by rolling the scrollwheel then pushing it or the
left button.