Put cursor where desired
and do appropriate
Off-centered display
1.24 Off-Centering the Display
Own ship position, or sweep origin, can be displaced to expand the view field
without switching to a larger range scale. The sweep origin can be off-centered
to the cursor position, but not more than 75% of the range in use; if the cursor is
set beyond 75% of the range scale, the sweep origin will be off-centered to the
point of 75% of the limit.
This feature is not available on the 96 nm range or in the true motion mode.
If the conning position is outside the effective radar display, some parts of the
bearing scale are not shown. For details, see section 1.50.
To off-center the radar picture, do the following:
By keyboard
1. Use the trackball to put the cursor at a position where you wish to move the
sweep origin.
2. Press the [OFF CENTER] key. Then, the sweep origin is off-centered to the
cursor position.
3. To cancel off-centering, press the [OFF CENTER] key again.
By trackball
1. With the cursor inside the effective
display area, roll the scrollwheel to
display "OFF CENTER / EXIT" in
the guidance box.
2. Use the trackball to put the cursor
where you want to locate the screen
3. Push the left button to off center the
sweep origin.
4. To cancel the off-center function, push the left button when the guidance box
reads "OFF CENTER / EXIT."
Note: When the conditions shown below are met, offcenter cannot be cancelled.
This is because the radar antenna position is located at a position greater than
75% of the effective radar display.
- Own ship marker is large
- The distance between antenna position and conning position is large
- Short-distance display range.
To cancel the offcenter first select a larger range then cancel the offcenter.