20.3 How to Temporarily Silence the Buzzer for an
Alarm or Warning
When the buzzer for an alarm or warning sounds, you can temporarily silence it by do-
ing one of the following:
• Click the buzzer stop button in the [Alert] box.
• In the [Alert List], click the [Silence] button.
The buzzer is stopped and the alert state changes. An alert message remains in the
[Alert] box and [Alert List] until acknowledged and rectified. If an alarm or warning is
not acknowledged within 30 seconds, the buzzer sounds again.
20.4 How to Acknowledge an Alarm or Warning
When an alarm or warning is generated, the buzzer sounds and the name of the alert
appears and flashes in the [Alert] box and [Alert List].
To acknowledge the alert, do one of the following:
• Press the ALARM ACK key.
• In the [Alert] box or [Alert List], click the unacknowledged alert.
After acknowledgement, the buzzer and the flashing for the alert message are stopped
and the priority of the alert changes as shown in the table below. The alert message
remains on the display until rectified.
Unacknowledged warnings
If a warning (Alert 150 "Early Course Change Indication" and 151 "Actual Course
Change Indication") is not acknowledged within 30 seconds then the priority changes
to alarm. If a warning (except for Alert 150 and 151) is not acknowledged within 60
seconds, the warning is generated again.
Category of alert and place of alert acknowledgement
The place of alert acknowledgement depends on the category of the alert.
Priority no. Priority of alert Alert state
1 Alarm Not acknowledged/Not rectified
2 Warning Not acknowledged/Not rectified
3 Alarm Not acknowledged/Rectified
4 Warning Not acknowledged/Rectified
5 Alarm Acknowledged/Not rectified
6 Warning Acknowledged/Not rectified
7 Caution Not rectified
Category Where the alert is generated
Place of alert
A Equipment that generated the
Equipment that generated the
B Equipment that generated the
Equipment that generated the alert
or AMS.
C IAS (Integrated Automation Sys-
tem) generated engine alert