2.22 Target Trails
The trails of the radar echoes of targets may be displayed in the form of synthetic af-
terglow. Target trails are selected either relative or true and may be sea or ground sta-
bilized. True motion trails require a compass signal, and position and speed inputs.
2.22.1 Target trails-related indications
Trail-related indications are located at the bottom-right position on the screen. Several
trail-related operations can be done from the [TRAIL] menu, which you can show by
right-clicking the Trail time indication.
2.22.2 True or relative target trails
You may display echo trails in true or relative motion. Relative trails show relative
movements between targets and own ship. True motion trails present true target
movements in accordance with their over-the-ground speeds and courses.
Click the Trail mode indication to select [True-G], [True-S] or [REL] as appropriate.
Trail mode
Trail time
Right-click to
show the
TRAIL menu.
TRAIL COLOR not available
with IMO or A type.
Elapsed trail time
True target trails
(No smearing of
stationary targets)
Relative target trails
(Targets moving
relative to own ship)