• When all tracked targets are deleted, the reference target mark is also deleted and
the target-based speed becomes invalid.
• Loss of reference target will affect the calculation of true speed and true course of
targets. Further, own ship speed will be inaccurate.
How to cancel echo-referenced speed input
Right click the Sensor information, datum box then select [Select Sensor] and [Set-
ting]. Open the [SPD] page and select a speed sensor.
3.4 Automatic Acquisition
This radar can automatically acquire and track a maximum of 200 targets. The maxi-
mum number of acquired targets ([NUMBER OF TT]) is set at the time of installation.
The options are 200 ([MAX]) and 100.
The number of automatically and manually acquired targets is determined by the set-
ting of [TT SELECT] in the [TT] menu.
A target just acquired automatically is marked with a dashed circle and a vector ap-
pears within one minute to indicate the target's motion trend. Within three minutes, the
initial tracking stage is finished and the target becomes ready for stable tracking. At
this time, the dashed circle changes to a solid circle.
Note: When connecting with the FAR-2xx7 series radar, the maximum number of ac-
quired targets ([NUMBER OF TT]) should be set to 100 in the [RADAR INSTALLA-
TION] menu. For details, see the installation manual.
3.4.1 How to enable auto acquisition
1. Right-click the TT mode indication then select [TT Menu] to show the [TT] menu.
2. Select [1 TT SELECT] and the acquisition condition.
3. Close the menu.
Note 1: The TT indication in the TT/AIS setting box shows [AUTO], [MAN/AUTO] or
[MAN] depending on the acquisition condition selected.
Note 2: When the menu-set number of automatically acquired targets have been ac-
quired, the Alert 523 "TT Auto ACQ 100%" appears in the [Alert] box.
[NUMBER OF TT] is [MAX] [NUMBER OF TT] is [100]
Menu setting Acquisition condition Menu setting Acquisition condition
[MANUAL 200] 200 targets manually,
Not available for auto acquisi-
[MANUAL 100] 100 targets manually,
Not available for auto acquisi-
[AUTO 50] 50 targets automatically,
150 targets manually
[AUTO 25] 25 targets automatically,
75 targets manually
[AUTO 100] 100 targets automatically,
100 targets manually
[AUTO 50] 50 targets automatically,
50 targets manually
[AUTO 150] 150 targets automatically,
50 targets manually
[AUTO 75] 75 targets automatically,
25 targets manually
[AUTO 200] 200 targets automatically, Not
available for manual acquisition
[AUTO 100] 100 targets automatically, Not
available for manual acquisition