Three simulated targets move as the following table. The simulated target is au-
tomatically generated with the relative movement in the following table based on
own ship's movement at the start of simulation mode.
Note: If own ship moves after the start of simulation mode, the movement of the
simulated target is not matched with the values in the following table.
3. Acquire the simulated targets after the TT simulation mode is performed. The
tracking state changes from unstable to stable and the vector appears. You can
simulate the movement of each function with changing true/relative vector, stabi-
lization through the water/over the ground, range or length of vector.
4. After the target B crosses in front of own ship, that is the target B is not a danger-
ous target, you can simulate the risk of collision by using the trial maneuver as fol-
1) Set the TT CPA/TCPA alarm. For example, set 0.5 nm for CPA, 30 min for
2) Execute the trial maneuver (see section 3.14). In the static mode, the move-
ments of own ship and the target after the time set as the trial time elapses are
displayed. If the target is dangerous after the time set as the trial time elapses,
its symbol is the one for the dangerous target. Adjust the trial course and trial
delay time so the target symbol does not become the dangerous symbol when
executing the trial maneuver.
3.16 TT Alerts
There are nine situations that cause the TT to trigger visual and audio alerts. To ac-
knowledge the audio alerts, push the ALARM ACK key, or click the [Alert] box.
Range (R) Bearing (R) Speed (R) Course (R) CPA TCPA
Target A 9.5 NM 270.0° 20.0 kn 90.0° 0.0 NM 28.5 min
Target B 1.1 NM 333.0° 10.2 kn 90.2° 1.0 NM 2.9 min
Target C 9.3 NM 45.0° 19.9 kn 225.1° 0.0 NM 28.0 min
Message Category Description
520 TT System Error Warning TT system is inoperative. Checking
heading sensor, antenna.
521 TT New Target Warning Tracked target entered the acquisi-
tion zone.
522 TT Auto ACQ 95% Caution The capacity for auto acquisition
has reached 95%.
523 TT Auto ACQ 100% Warning The capacity for auto acquisition
has reached 100% and no more tar-
get acquisition is possible. Cancel
tracking on unnecessary targets.