+ 5% and a combined variation not
to exceed + 10%.
3. Position of the Conduit Box
When mounting conditions permit
the conduit box may be turned so
that entrance can be made upward,
downward, or from either side.
F. Lubrication
Motors with oil-lubricated bearings are
shipped without oil. Before starting the
motor, fill each reservoir to the standstill
level shown on the sight gage. Be careful
to keep dirt out of the lubricant and bear-
ing housing.
Use only the oil specified on the lubrica-
tion nameplate or the lubrication instruc-
tion supplied with each motor. See
LUBE NAMEPLATE for oil grade and
viscosity and further instructions.
If reservoirs have had oil in them during
storage period, drain out this old oil when
installing the motor for operation.
G. Water Cooling
1. General
If a bearing requires auxiliary water
cooling, the oil reservoir will be
provided with a cooling coil whose
ends are brought out to fittings in
the end-shield wall (see Figure 2).
The lubrication nameplate or in-
struction will specify the required
water flow and the maximum water
flow in gallons per minute. Ex-
ceeding this maximum flow could
cause deterioration of the cooling
Whenever the motor is running,
enough water should be circulated
through the coil to keep the steady
oil-bath temperature below 150° F
The maximum pressure and maxi-
mum temperature allowable for
cooling water are also shown on the
nameplate or instructions. Exceed-
ing these values may damage the
coil or give insufficient cooling of
the lubricating oil. Use only pure,
clean water unless the motor was
specifically ordered to have a coil
and fittings of special material to
withstand corrosive water. Standard
cooling coils are made from type
'K" copper tubing with wall thick-
ness of 0.050”.
When the motor is shut down during
freezing weather, blow any remain-
ing water out of the coil.
2. Oil Cooling Coil Connection
As indicated above, a cooling coil is
used to keep oil in the bearing res-
ervoir cool. Water at pressures as
high as 100 PSI is circulated
through the coil. It is imperative,
there for, that all joints be tight and
that there be no leaks. A pin-hole
leak will quickly allow enough wa-
ter to overflow into interior of motor
and cause motor failure.
Motors covered by this instruction
book are furnished with inlet and
outlet connection fittings designed
to prevent inadvertent loosening of
internal joints or undue stress on the
internal piping when external water
supply pipes are connected to the