Safety Precautions
High voltage and rotating parts
can cause serious or fatal in-
jury. Installation, operation
and maintenance of electric
machinery should be per-
formed by qualified personnel.
Familiarization with NEMA
Publication MG-2, Safety Standard for Construc-
tion and Guide for Selection, Installation and
Use of Electric Motors and Generators, the Na-
tional Electrical Code and sound local practices
is recommended.
For equipment covered by this instruction book,
it is important to observe safety precautions to
protect personnel from possible injury. Among
the many considerations, personnel should be
instructed to:
Avoid contact with energized circuits or ro-
tating parts,
Avoid by-passing or rendering inoperative
any safeguards or protective devices,
Avoid use of automatic-reset thermal pro-
tection where unexpected starting of
equipment might be hazardous to person-
Avoid contact with capacitors until safe dis-
charge procedures have been followed.
Be sure that the shaft key is fully captive
before the motor is energized.
Avoid extended exposure in close proximity
to machinery with high noise levels.
Use proper care and procedures in han-
dling, lifting, installing, operating and main-
taining the equipment.
Do not lift anything but the motor with the
motor lifting means.
Safe maintenance practices with qualified per-
sonnel are imperative. Before starting mainte-
nance procedures, be positive that:
Equipment connected to the shaft will not
cause mechanical rotation,
Main machine windings and all accessory
devices associated with the work area are
disconnected from electrical power sources.
If a high potential insulation test is required,
procedures and precautions outlined in NEMA
Standards MG-1 and MG-2 should be followed.
Failure to properly ground the frame of the ma-
chine can cause serious injury to personnel.
Grounding should be in accordance with the
National Electrical Code and consistent with
sound local practice.
These instructions do not purport to cover all of the details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or
should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be re-
ferred to the General Electric Company.
1988, 1999 General Electric Company