
Series 90–70 Remote I/O Scanner User’s Manual – July 1992146
Series Six or Series Five PLC Reference
For a Series Six or Series Five PLC system that uses I/O table references, a
previously–unconfigured Remote I/O Scanner will accept a reference entered here. It
will be the reference for the first data type (in the sequence listed above) for which you
enter a non–zero length. For example, if the remote drop has only analog input and
output boards, the data lengths for %I and %Q would be 0. You would enter a data
length for %AI and %AQ. The beginning reference entered for %AI would become the
beginning Series Six or Series Five reference for the remote drop.
You MUST use a Hand–held Monitor to change a Series Six or Series
Five reference previously configured using either Logicmaster 90–70
or a Hand–held Monitor. You also must use a Hand–held Monitor to
assign a reference in register memory (instead of I/O table memory).
Entering Communications and Operating Parameters
After describing the I/O configuration, press the Page Down key to display the Genius
interface, SNP interface, and sweep control selections.
–– Genius Interface –– –––– SNP Port ––––
Baud Rate : 153STD Baud Rate : 19200
BUS ADR : 29 Parity : ODD
BSM CTRLR : NO Stop Bits : 1
BSM Present : NO Modem TT : 0
Timeout Sec : 2.5 Idle Time : 10 Seconds
CFG Protect ; YES
Redundancy : NONE
Duplex Def : OFF –––– Sweep Cntrl ––––
Prog WIndow : 10 Millisecs
Comm Window : 255 Millisecs
To complete these entries, refer to the table on the next page. For more information on
the Genius parameters, see the Genius I/O System User’s Manual.