93Chapter 6 Remote Drop Configuration with a Hand–held Monitor
Select the Remote Drop ID
The same configuration screen is used to assign a Remote Drop ID. A Remote Drop ID
is a number between 16 and 254 that allows the Remote I/O Scanner to communicate
with serial Logicmaster 90–70 for multidrop programming. The ID distinguishes one
remote drop from another. A valid entry must be made on this screen even if the host
type is not a Series 90–70 PLC.
When configured from a Hand–held Monitor, the Remote Drop ID is used as part of
the “folder” name, so a configuration stored in the Scanner can later be uploaded to
Logicmaster 90–70. The folder name will be DROPxxx, with xxx the Remote Drop ID
(016 – 254).
HHM display
DROP ID _____
tgl drp send nxt
Configuration Steps
1. Press F2 (drp), then enter a Remote Drop ID between 16 and 254.
2. After entering all the beginning addresses and lengths and a Remote Drop ID,
press F3 (send) to transmit this portion of the configuration to the Remote I/O
Scanner. When you press F3 (send), the Hand–held Monitor adds up the data
lengths to be sure they do not total more than 128 bytes of inputs and 128 bytes of
outputs. It also checks for the presence of a Remote Drop ID between 16 and 254.
If the entries are correct, the information is sent to the Remote I/O Scanner.
Otherwise, an error message appears. After pressing the Clear key, the
configuration must be changed to correct the error.
3. Press F4 (next) to return to the Program Block ID screen.
4. To configure remote drop configuration, press the n MENU key to display the
configuration menu.
Return to the Configuration Menu
To complete the Genius configuration or display the modules in the remote drop, press
F2 (configure block).