Owner’s Manual for Stationary Diesel Generators 37
5.7.8— Check and Adjust V-Belt— Check
Check the V-belt deflection. Too little belt deflection accelerates belt wear, while too much deflection leaves the pulley
idle, overheats the engine, and no-load is generated. Adjust the belt deflection as follows:
1. On right side of enclosure, loosen two clamps at each end of turbocharger exhaust outlet pipe. Remove pipe,
clamps and rubber couplings from engine.
2. Remove oil drain hose from holding clamp.
3. Remove four screws with nylon washers to release fan guard from radiator shroud.
4. Perform visual inspection as follows:
• Inspect belt for cracks, fraying, excessive wear or other damage.
• Verify that belt is free of grease and oil. Replace belt if contaminated.
NOTE: Use a solution of soap and warm water to clean pulleys, if necessary. Avoid use of solvents, but if
used, always follow by a soap and water wash.
5. Using a suitable gauge, apply 22 Ibs (10 kgf) force midway between the crankshaft and alternator pulleys. See
Figure 5-13.
6. Take note of gauge reading. If belt deflection is not within specification, see Subsection—Adjust.
7. Install four screws with nylon washers to fasten fan guard to radiator shroud.
8. Install oil drain hose into holding clamp.
9. Install clamps and rubber couplings onto each end of turbocharger exhaust outlet pipe. Install pipe to turbo-
charger outlet and radiator shroud. Tighten clamps.
Figure 5-13. Check V-Belt Deflection
Belt Condition Deflection
New 8-12 mm
Used 10-15 mm
Alternator Pulley
Crankshaft Pulley
Belt Deflection Gauge