42 Owner’s Manual for Stationary Diesel Generators
5. Remove coolant drain hose from holding clamp.
6. Use wrench to hold hex on hose fitting (to prevent rotation), and use second wrench to remove drain plug.
7. Drain coolant into a suitable container.
8. Install plug at end of drain hose.
9. Install drain hose in holding clamp.
10. Rotate hex fitting to close radiator drain cock.
11. Obtain at least 2.8 gallons (10.6 liters) of coolant. See Subsection 2.4 —Coolant Water Treatment.
12. Rotate and remove plastic cover at top of enclosure and insert funnel into filler neck. See B of Figure 5-19.
13. Slowly pour coolant into filler neck until radiator is full.
14. Install radiator cap.
15. Press MANUAL on the control pad to start the engine. A blue LED illuminates to confirm that the system is in the
MANUAL mode.
16. Allow engine to run until the thermostat opens, as indicated by heating of the top radiator hose.
17. Check coolant hoses for leaks. Tighten clamps, if necessary.
18. Press OFF on the control pad to shut the engine down.
19. Wait five minutes for the engine to cool.
20. Repeat steps 4-20 to drain and refill cooling system.
21. Install plastic cover at top of enclosure and rotate until tight.
22. Check hoses for nicks, cuts, tears or general deterioration. Replace as necessary.
NOTE: On 2.3L models, start ten screws to install louvered air discharge panel. Alternately tighten screws to 90 in-lbs
using a crosswise pattern.
Figure 5-19. Drain/Fill Coolant System
5.8.4— Final Instructions
1. Install left and right side access panels. See Subsection 5.2 —Access Panels.
2. See Subsection 5.10 —Return To Service.
NOTE: Drain hose removed for
illustration purposes.