Installing and Starting the HP-UX AAA Server
Installation Defaults
Chapter 2 25
Installation Defaults
The HP-UX AAA Server can be run as root user, however non-root user is recommended.
A user and group, both named aaa, will be created during installation. The HP-UX AAA
Server can be run as non-root user, using the default aaa user created during installation, or
any other user who is part of the aaa group.
IMPORTANT Do not remove the default login aaa and group aaa created during installation,
even if you prefer not to use them.
Table 2-1 File Locations Upon Installation
Directory File
/opt/aaa/aatv Server modules and plug-ins
/opt/aaa/bin Server daemons and utilities:
• db_srv: Oracle client daemon for authentication
• las.test.sh: script to create simulated sessions for
• radcheck: AAA Server test utility (like the ping
• raddbginc: controls server debug output
• radiusd: AAA Server executable
• radpwtst: AAA test client utility
• start_db_srv: script to start the Oracle client daemon
• stop_db_srv: script to stop the Oracle client daemon
Finite state machine, group policy example files:
• *.fsm: sample finite state machine (FSM) tables
• *.grp: sample decision files