Installing and Starting the HP-UX AAA Server
Commands, Utilities, & Daemons
Chapter 2 29
Commands, Utilities, & Daemons
Table 2-3 Commands, Utilities, & Daemons
Command Description
db_srv The db_srv daemon performs Oracle database access operations for
authentication on behalf of one or more remote HP-UX AAA Servers.
radcheck Sends a RADIUS status and protocol requests to a AAA server and
display the replies. Receiving the reply confirms that the HP-UX
AAA Server is operational. radcheck can be invoked on any host by
any user, however the HP-UX AAA server will return more
information to registered clients.
raddbginc Sets debug logging level for currently running HP-UX AAA Server.
Turn debugging on and off or set the level of output while the AAA
Server is running.
radiusd A daemon process that services user authentication and accounting
requests from RADIUS clients. Authentication and accounting
requests come to radiusd in the form of UDP packets conforming to
the RADIUS protocol. It runs as a daemon that can be started from
the Server Manager GUI, command line, or through an inetd service.
radiusd determines the action to take when receiving RADIUS
requests based upon a finite state machine (FSM) loaded into
memory when radiusd is started. The FSM is configurable, but static
after startup.
radpwtst A utility used to simulate a RADIUS client when troubleshooting or
validating configuration for the HP-UX AAA Server. It will prompt
for the user password (when not supplied by the -w option.) If the
request to the AAA server succeeds, radpwtst displays
authentication OK on standard output. Otherwise, radpwtst
displays <userid> authentication failed.
start_db_srv.sh Script to start Oracle authentication client daemon db_srv.
stop_db_srv.sh Script to stop db_srv daemon and its child process(es).
las.test.sh Script to create simulated sessions for testing.