printing so that the color of images displayed on the screen more closely match the color of images
when printed. The following options are available:
■ ICM Method. The ICM Method setting specifies how to print your color graphics. To enable Image
Color Management, click ICM Method. The drop-down menu beside this setting becomes
■ If you want the calculations for color matching to be performed on the host computer before it
sends the document to the printer, click ICM Handled by Host System.
■ If you want the calculations for color matching to be performed on your printer, click ICM
Handled by Printer. In this case, a set of rules for mapping the colors will be created and
downloaded to the printer (which must be PostScript language level 2 or higher). The printer
will use these rules to adjust colors in the document.
■ ICM Intent. The ICM Intent setting specifies how color images are created to produce the best-
looking image on the printed page.
■ If you are printing a chart or using fully saturated, bright colors, click Graphics to achieve the
best quality.
■ For photographs or pictures where the colors blend together, click Pictures to maximize the
■ If your document uses a color that you need to match exactly, and you are sending the document
to a printer that has that specific color of ink, click Proof.
■ If you want to preview the color settings from another printer, click Match.
TrueType Font settings
This option specifies the TrueType font settings. The following settings are available.
■ Substitute with Device Font. This setting causes the printer to use equivalent fonts for printing
documents that contain TrueType fonts. This permits faster printing; however, you might lose special
characters that the printer font does not support. This is the default setting.
■ Download as Softfont. This setting causes TrueType fonts to be downloaded and used for printing,
instead of using printer fonts.
Document Options
The Document Options settings contain the following controls:
■ Advanced Printing Features
■ Color Printing Mode (HP PCL 6 Unidriver only)
■ Print Optimizations (HP PCL 6 Unidriver only)
■ PostScript Options (PS Emulation Unidriver only)
■ Printer Features
■ Layout Options
HP PCL 6 and PS emulation unidriver features (for Windows 2000 and Windows XP)
Windows HP unidriver