Switch Manager
108 HP StorageWorks 2/8q Fibre Channel Switch Management User Guide
Restore Configuration dialog box messages
Save Fabric View dialog box messages
Unable to create alias. The zoning configuration already contains the
maximum allowed zoning aliases. Delete any
unwanted aliases, and then retry the
You are about to save a zoning configuration
that was not completely read in. Saving this
version will make the incomplete database
An error was encountered while reading the
zoning database from the switch, and so the
database edited by the user may be missing
some zoning information.
Cancel the save, close the Zoning dialog,
refresh the switch, and then retry the
You have zones in the orphan zone set. These
are not saved in the switch. Would you like to
Orphan zones are not applied to the switch. If
the orphan zones are to be applied to the
switch, they must first be added to a
configured zoneset. Orphan set is not saved
on 2/8q FC switches, and is used only in the
application while configuring zoning
Table 37: Zoning dialog box messages (Continued)
Message User action
Table 38: Restore Configuration dialog box messages
Message User action
Failed parsing filename. Verify that the file specified is a valid archive
file, and then retry the operation.
Possibly failed check switch! The application lost communications with the
switch while restoring the archived
configuration, and could not determine
whether the operation completed. If the
problem was temporary, retry the operation.
Restore failed! Verify that the user has permissions to modify
the configuration on the switch, that the switch
is reachable in the fabric, and that the fabric is
reachable from the user’s workstation, and
then retry the configuration restore.
Table 39: Save Fabric View dialog box messages
Message User action
File filename already exists. Do you want to
The specified view file already exists. Cancel,
or continue to overwrite the file.