
Command Line Interface
149HP StorageWorks 2/8q Fibre Channel Switch Management User Guide
The following is an example of the Set Setup SNMP command:
2/8q FC Switch #> admin start
2/8q FC Switch (admin) #> set setup snmp
A list of attributes with formatting and current values will follow.
Enter a new value or simply press the ENTER key to accept the current value.
If you wish to terminate this process before reaching the end of the list
press 'q' or 'Q' and the ENTER key to do so.
Trap Severity Options
unknown, emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notify, info, debug, mark
SNMPEnabled (True / False) [True ]
Contact (string, max=64 chars) [<sysContact undefined]
Location (string, max=64 chars) [sysLocation undefined]
Trap1Address (dot-notated IP Address) [ ]
Trap1Port (decimal value) [162 ]
Trap1Severity (see allowed options above) [warning ]
Trap1Version (1 / 2) [2 ]
Trap1Enabled (True / False) [False ]
Trap2Address (dot-notated IP Address) [ ]
Trap2Port (decimal value) [162 ]
Trap2Severity (see allowed options above) [warning ]
Trap2Version (1 / 2) [2 ]
Trap2Enabled (True / False) [False ]
Trap3Address (dot-notated IP Address) [ ]
Trap3Port (decimal value) [162 ]
Trap3Severity (see allowed options above) [warning ]
Trap3Version (1 / 2) [2 ]
Trap3Enabled (True / False) [False ]
Trap4Address (dot-notated IP Address) [ ]
Trap4Port (decimal value) [162 ]
Trap4Severity (see allowed options above) [warning ]
Trap4Version (1 / 2) [2 ]
Trap4Enabled (True / False) [False ]
RemoteLogHostAddress The IP address of the host that will receive the switch event log
information if remote logging is enabled. The default is
NTPClientEnabled Enables (True) or disables (False) the Network Time Protocol
(NTP) client on the switch. This client enables the switch to
synchronize its time with an NTP server. This feature supports
NTP version 4 and is compatible with version 3. An Ethernet
connection to the server is required and you must first set an
initial time and date on the switch. The synchronized time
becomes effective immediately. The default is False.
NTPServerAddress The IP address of the NTP server from which the NTP client
acquires the time and date. The default is
Table 56: System configuration settings (Continued)
Entry Description