0352h kbd not connected
0353h no response from kbd test
0354h kbd test failed
error codes 0304, 0313-0314, 0321-0323, 0331-033C were
previously used
AUX Self Test Errors
03E0h send enable-aux cmd to 8042 cmd
byte failed
03E1h 8042 failed to accept write-aux-
device cmd
03E2h write-aux-device cmd not sent by
03E3h reset-aux cmd not accepted by 8042
03E4h 8042 failed to send aux-interface-test
03E5h no reply for aux-interface-test cmd
from 8042
03E6h aux device clock line stuck low
03E7h aux device clock line stuck high
03E8h aux device data line stuck low
03E9h aux device data line stuck high
03EAh no reply for aux-reset cmd from aux
03EBh aux failed to perform reset
03ECh send default cmd to 8042 cmd byte
Protected-Mode Switch
0401h failed to switch to protected mode
error code 0500 was previously used
Serial and Parallel Test
0503h no serial port
0505h bad serial port
0543h no parallel port
Keyboard Device
0600h kbd has keys stuck
06XXh where XX = the scan code of
the stuck key
System Speed Test
0702h timer failed to interrupt
0703h CPU clock too slow in SLOW speed
0704h CPU clock too fast in SLOW speed
0707h CPU clock too slow in FAST speed
0708h CPU clock too fast in FAST speed
error codes 0700-0701, 0705-0706, 0709-070C were
previously used
Timer Chip Errors
1100h failed timer test
110Xh where X = failed timer #
1200h no refresh tick
1201h refresh signal stuck low
EISA Init Errors
13XY X = slot number where error occurred