test (low 640k).
x = 64k bank no. with problem (i.e.
6204 = bank 4 is bad = address
range 40000h to 4ffffh)
6300h I/O channel check came active during
write read test of protected mode ram
63xx = xx = 256k ram bank/block
with problem
BIOS and Memory
Shadow-RAM Errors
6500h shadow RAM BIOS failed
6510h shadow RAM video BIOS failed
6520h shadow RAM option ROM failed
65A0h A000 shadow RAM test failed
65B0h B000 shadow RAM test failed
65C0h C000 shadow RAM test failed
65D0h D000 shadow RAM test failed
65E0h E000 shadow RAM test failed
65F0h F000 shadow RAM test failed
8259 Interrupt
Functionality Errors
07000h 7XYY where
X = 0 master's mask reg. failed
X = 1 slave's mask reg. failed
YY = XOR of value read & written to
the mask reg
07400h IRQ 0 error
07500h IRQ 8 error
error code 7600 was previously used
Hard Disk Errors
8310h controller fail
8311h fixed disk fail
8312h drive splitting failure
error codes 8001-8002, 8100, 8200, 8300 were previously
Flexible Disk Errors
9X0Z X = drive number (0..3 correspond to
drives A:, B:, FDE#1, FDE#2)
Z = determined by the following
9000H FDC input error
9001H FDC output error
9002H FDC seek error
9003H FDC recall error
9005H FDC reset error
9006H FDC wrong drive
9008H FDC no interrupt
9009h FDC track 0 error
error codes 90XX and 98XX were previously used
80x87 Numerical Co-
Processor Errors
0a001h there is no 80287 in the system
0a002h problem with the 80287's registers
0a003h problem with the 80287's stack