11-4 Variables and memory management
To use variables
in calculations
You can use variables in calculations. The calculator
substitutes the variable’s value in the calculation:
65 >@>$/3+$@A >(17(5@
The VARS menu
You use the VARS menu to access all variables in the
calculator. The VARS menu is organised by category. For
each variable category in the left column, there is a list of
variables in the right column. You select a variable category
and then select a variable in the category.
1. Open the VARS menu.
2. Use the arrow keys or press the alpha key of the first
letter in the category to select a variable category.
For example, to select
the Matrix category,
press >@.
Note: In this instance,
there is no need to press
the ALPHA key.
3. Move the highlight to the variables column.
4. Use the arrow keys to select the variable that you want.
For example, to select the M2 variable, press *e,.