Solve aplet 7-9
3. Use the Plot view to find an initial guess for T. First set
appropriate X and Y ranges in the Plot Setup. Since we
have an equation, , the plot will
produce two graphs: one for and one for
. Since we have set in
this example, one of the graphs will be .
Therefore, make the YRNG –5 to 35. Keep the XRNG
default of –6.5 to 6.5.
*e,>@5 >(17(5@
35 >(17(5@
4. Plot the graph.
5. Move the cursor near the positive (right-side)
intersection. This cursor value will be an initial guess for
*A,to move cursor to
the intersection.
The two points of
intersection show that
there are two solutions
for this equation. However, only positive values for x
make sense, so we want to find the solution for the
intersection on the right side of the y-axis.
6. Return to the Numeric view.
Note: the T-value is filled
in with the position of the
cursor from the Plot
7. Ensure that the T value is highlighted, and solve the
×+× 2⁄=
×+× 2⁄= X 30=
Y 30=