Model 744 Board Computer Overview
Supported Products
Typical External Devices
The Model 744 supports the following external devices:
• LAN transceiver
HP A2670A ThinLAN ETHERNET Transceiver
HP A2671A EtherTWIST Transceiver
• Speaker; 8 ohm impedance with
-inch sub-miniature
stereo connector (HP-UX only).
Conversion and Standard Cables
Model 744 Board Computers use micro-miniature connectors for several
interface ports and standard connectors for others. You need conversion
cables to connect from the micro-miniature connectors to standard size inter-
faces. The Model 744 supports the following cables:
• Conversion cables:
HP A4300A HP parallel; high-density 25-pin to
standard 25-pin F
HP A4301A RS-232; high-density 9-pin to standard 9-pin M
HP A4302A audio; high-density 9-pin to stereo line-in
HP A4303A LAN; high-density 15-pin to 15-pin AUI
HP A4223A video; high-density 15-pin to standard 15-pin,
HP A4305A video; high-density 15-pin to EVC connector
HP A4167A video; standard 15-pin to EVC connector (for use with
optional GSC 8-plane graphics card and EVC monitor
• Standard cables:
HP K2296 SCSI; high-density 50-pin to standard bail lock
HP 92284A HP parallel; 25-pin M to 25-pin M
HP 24542G RS-232 terminal cable; 9-pin F to 25-pin M
HP 24542M RS-232 modem cable; 9-pin F to 25-pin F