Model 744 Board Computer Overview
HP-UX includes audio software comprising an audio editor, Audio Applica-
tion Program Interface (AAPI), and some sample programs. Audio output is
available through the audio port on the front panel of the Model 744. For
highest quality audio, an external headphone set or speaker is recommended.
Audio is implemented using a CODEC (coder-decoder) combining CD-
quality stereo audio-digital converters for microphone and line-input levels.
The input sampling rate and format are programmable, as are the input gain
and output attenuation.
-inch mini-jack is used for the speaker output connection. The remain-
ing audio signals are via a 9-pin D-sub connector. Output impedance is nom-
inally 8 ohms, but higher impedance devices can also be driven.
For information on programming for audio, refer to Using the Audio Devel-
oper’s Kit (B2355-90069) and the man page audio.