Symptom Call Center Repair Center
external displays.
Screen white Send in for repair. Replace display
Bright or missing pixels or
Explain display spec for missing
pixels. Send in for repair if it
fails display spec criteria.
Replace display if it fails
display spec criteria.
Intermittent or no display Press [Fn]+[SysRq]. If
ineffective, send in for repair.
Check for display cable
pinched in case parts.
Short battery life Turn display brightness down. New BIOS v 1.02.00
New BIOS v 1.02.00 Run PWR800.exe to measure)
Set Computer and Hard Drive
“Idle Time Before Turn-off” to
equal values (Select OmniBook
Power Management in Control
battery life (program obtainable
from the MCD Internal Web at
Remove any PCMCIA cards and
run PWR800.exe
If above ineffective, send in for
Battery gauge falls rapidly Normal behavior at higher levels.
Does the customer have another
battery to try?
Battery won’t charge Does customer have access to
another battery and ac adapter?
If so, have them try different
combinations to isolate to
battery, ac adapter or
OmniBook, and send defective
component in for replacement. If
not, send in all 3 for repair.
Isolate to defective component
(battery, ac adapter or logic
Computer won’t turn
on/won’t boot
On ac or battery Is the charge light on when on
AC? If not, try another AC
adapter if available. If yes, hard
reset. If no response, remove
battery and AC, letting computer
sit for a minute. Reinsert battery
and press reset button. If this
works, update the BIOS. Any
sound? If yes, plug in external
display and press [Fn]+[SysRq].
Check for display cable
pinched in case parts. Is
charge light on when on AC? If
no, replace CPU board first,
then logic board. If yes, try to
boot off a floppy. If this works,
reburn BIOS. If it’s still bad,
then replace HD. If still bad,
replace logic board and
reinstall old HD.
On battery (OK on ac) What does the fuel gauge read?
If empty, press [f4]+[ON]. If still
empty, does customer have a 2
battery to try? If not, send in for
Try a known good battery first.
Examine battery contacts for
contamination or physical
damage. Then replace logic
Error message: “Invalid
system disk”
If floppy drive is connected,
check for non-system (boot)
floppy disk in drive. If so,
remove floppy and reset. Use
recovery CD to rebuild system if
still bad.
Will computer boot off floppy
drive? If yes, verify keyboard
support plate is of later design
or has I/O insulator (see
Service Note 800-09). Verify
hard drive insulator is above
Error message: “Floppy disk the keyboard support plate tabs