Table 18 - Floppy Disk Drive Specifications
3.5-inch Floppy Drive
Manufacturer TEAC
Size 10.67 cm (W) x 14.48 cm (D) x 1.40 cm (H)
(4.2 in (W) x 5.7 in (D) x 0.55 in (H))
Weight 250g (0.55 lbs)
Data Capacity 1.44MB (formatted)
2M (unformatted)
1.2MB (formatted)
1.6M (unformatted)
724KB (formatted)
1M (unformatted)
Data Transfer Rate 500k bits/sec 250k bits/sec
Disk Rotational Speed 300rpm 360 rpm 300rpm
Track Density 135tpi
Cylinders 80
Track-to-track Time 3ms
Average Seek Time 94ms
Start Time 480ms
Average latency 100ms 83.3ms 100ms
Mean Time Between
30,000 hours
Error Rate
Soft (recoverable) 1 or less per 10
bits read
1 or less per 10
bits read
Seek 1 or less per 10
bits read
CD-ROM Drive
The CD-ROM Drive is an accessory to the HP OmniBook 800 and can be purchased separately.
It is a SCSI device that connects to the OmniBook’s docking port via a proprietary docking-
connector-to-SCSI cable. The CD-ROM is can be powered with six AA batteries or by daisy-
chaining to the OmniBook’s ac adapter.
CD-ROM drive manufacturers are subject to change without notice.
Table 19 - CD-ROM Drive Specifications
4x CD-ROM Drive 8x CD-ROM Drive
Manufacturer Panasonic Panasonic
Size 138mm x 196mm x 37mm
138mm x 196mm x 37mm
Weight 450g (without battery) 430g (without battery)
Interface SCSI-2 SCSI-2
Transfer Rate 150 KB/s Normal Speed
300 KB/s Double Speed
600 KB/s Quad Speed
150 KB/s Normal Speed
1200KB/s Octo Speed
Buffer 128 KB 128 KB
Access Speed 350 ms (1/3 stroke; ac adapter)
600 ms (full stroke; ac adapter)
990 ms (1/3 stroke; alkaline
1500 ms (full stroke; alkaline
180 ms (1/3 stroke: ac adapter)
300 ms (full stroke: ac adapter)
Start up Time < 30 secs < 10 secs